Registration Fee

(Inclusive of GST @18%)

Registration Category

Conference Mode

Authors from India

Authors outside India

Authors from Industry

Physical (Offline) Mode

₹12,000 (INR)

$300 (USD)

Virtual (Online) Mode

₹10,000 (INR)

$250 (USD)

Authors from Academia (Faculty/Research Scholars and Students)

Physical (Offline) Mode

₹10,000 (INR)

$250 (USD)

Virtual (Online) Mode

₹8,000 (INR)

$200 (USD)


Physical (Offline) Mode

₹8,000 (INR)

$200 (USD)

Virtual (Online) Mode

₹6,000 (INR)

$150 (USD)

Additional Paper (for one additional paper only)

Physical (Offline) Mode

₹8,000 (INR)

$200 (USD)

Virtual (Online) Mode

₹6,000 (INR)

$150 (USD)

Listener /Attendee Only (Non-Author)

Physical Mode

₹6,000 (INR)

$150 (USD)

Virtual (Online) Mode

₹4,000 (INR)

$100 (USD)

Registration Fee (Physical Mode): This fee includes access to Inaugural Session, Keynotes/Invited Lectures, Oral Paper Presentation Sessions, Networking, Conference Lunch and Refreshment, Conference Kit, Participation/Presentation Certificate.

The conference is non-residential and delegates are kindly requested to make their own arrangement for accommodation. In case of any queries, feel free to e-mail the organizing team.

Registration Fee (Online Mode): This fee includes access to Inaugural Session, Keynotes/Invited Lectures, Oral Paper Presentation Sessions in online mode, Participation/Presentation Certificate (through e-mail after the completion of conference).